WPFFA Honour Guard

The Windsor Firefighters - WPFFA Honour Guard

The Windsor Firefighters Honour Guard is a voluntary organization comprised of members who are current or former members of the Windsor Professional Firefighters Association, who have the necessary skills required to perform basic foot drills and who wish as a voluntary pastime, to have the opportunity of using such skills to help honour our fallen Brothers and Sisters.

The primary purpose of the WPFFA Honour Guard is to provide uniformed attendance and participation at funerals of deceased members of the WPFFA both active and retired. The Honour Guard may be requested to attend or participate at funerals of leading citizens, political leaders or firefighter deaths both locally and internationally.

In addition the Honour Guard may be called upon to represent the Windsor Firefighters at Civic functions, Memorial Services and Retirements.

The Honour Guard has made several trips to honour our fallen American Brothers and proudly continues to work in a long standing relationship with the Detroit Fire Fighters and the Detroit Fire Fighters Honour Guard.

The Honour Guard is comprised totally of past and current WPFFA Local 455 members. The Honour Guard works closely with the WPFFA and has provided many services including our Annual Windsor Fallen Firefighters March.

Oct 12, 2009

Oct 13, 2009

Oct 24, 2012

Page Last Updated: Nov 10, 2013 (17:43:00)
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